Digital Archive

The Contemporary Print Media Research Center fosters a multidisciplinary research framework and develops integrative research and innovative projects in print media.


This is an inter-institutional collaboration and research project with University of Castilla La Mancha in Spain. Assistant Professor Enrique Martinez Leal is co-researcher for the Contemporary Arts Archives & Collections of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Cuenca (Spain) [CAAC-Cuenca] at UCLM, which was funded by the Spanish government (MINECO).

We envision formation of a contemporary arts digital archive and permanent collections of works produced in multiples (prints, photos and book arts).

This ongoing investigative assistance will contribute significantly to the enhancement and promotion of inter-institutional collaborations by:

  • Developing transferable knowledge regarding contemporary art’s Archives & Collections.
  • Organizing artistic and academic events that promote the exchange of artistic knowledge and the consolidation of cultural capital.
  • Establishing research and teaching methodologies that redefine the role of Print Media in contemporary art practices.
  • Creating digital archives and websites for a UCSC Print Media and Multiples Collection.
  • Promoting bilateral exchange activities between UCSC and UCLM Art Departments that include lectures, exhibitions, as well as faculty/student collaborations in Print Media.